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London Loft Conversion Architects

Designing Dream Loft Spaces With Precision And Using Our Drawings to Realise Your Vision

Loft Conversion Drawings in London

Seeing the drawings and plans for your dream loft conversion is incredibly exciting; that space you’ve been imagining for years in your head made a reality down on a physical (or digital) page. But not only does seeing those drawings get you feeling excited for the project ahead, they can also highlight areas and features that, although you thought you’d want them when pictured in your head, don’t work when laid out visually. In all ways, your loft conversion drawings mark the start of your journey towards a completed, physical transformation.

Should I Get an Architect For a Loft Conversion?

Yes! Or, at least specialist designers and conversion specialists who have years’ worth of industry experience. Whilst it can be tempting to adopt a DIY attitude with your loft conversion, saving pennies where you’re able, skimping on proper planning and designs isn’t something you want to be doing. The precision, knowhow and artistic influence that a designer or architect can bring to your loft conversion’s ultimate look truly can’t be overstated.

We Take Care of the Hassle so You Don’t Have to!

Our expert team of designers know just how stressful planning up a loft conversion can be amidst the business of your everyday life. That’s why we take away all the strain and stress of the project, taking care of everything for you from start to finish. We don’t just want to provide you with a beautifully-realised loft space, we want to do so in a way that doesn’t disrupt your home life any more than is necessary. Here at London Lofts Ltd, we’re firm believers that the journey is just as important as the final destination.

Top Architect For a Loft Conversion ready for you

Need an Architect For a Loft Conversion?

Loft Design and Planning FAQs

It’s always advisable to get an architect on board first, followed by builders. In an ideal world, your architect and design team fall under the same company as your build team; luckily for you, here at London Lofts Ltd, that’s just what we offer. So, rather than having to shop around for disparate parts and hope they mesh together, your loft journey will be completely aligned from beginning to end. Another benefit of having an integrated, “do-it-all” team such as ours, is that we can establish from the start whether any planning permissions will be required, or whether our design team could crack straight on with drawing up plans.
Our team will always look to have plans drawn up for you and your loft conversion in between one to two weeks. This ensures we can dedicate the kind of care, attention and accuracy to the drawings that they, and your loft conversion, deserve(s).
Absolutely, whether you use an integrated design-and-build team like ours, or hire a separate architect, it’s always worth the money. Because what that money gets you, as much as anything else, is a guarantee of quality, precision and that everything, plans-wise, is watertight and solid.